The first of June...that's our goal and the countdown begins. Let me introduce us. We are DeWayne and Joy and we are about to embark on a new lifestyle. Full-time RVing! We have been living in our 38' Fifth wheel since June of last summer due to a delay in our plans (medical issues) and we are preparing to hit the road one year overdue, but as they say....better late than never.
Our first destination is not decided yet, but I will share that as soon as we know. Living in the RV has given us time to decide what we actually need to take with us and what to leave behind. One thing we simply could not do without is our king size Tempurpedic mattress, so the bedroom has already been modified to accomodate the bed and we sleep like babies.
The original refrigerator drew it's last breath a few months ago and we have improvised by buying a small fridge that DeWayne found at Lowe's. However, it doesn't fit the hole from the previous fridge, so we were looking at having to install wood trim around it. As we were visiting the mall in Texarkana a couple of weeks ago, I happened to notice a larger refrigerator, that I thought might fit better, in Sears. We took the measurements and came home to find that it would fit with room to spare, so I went to Sears' website to see the specifics and found yet another, larger, fridge that would fit the hole perfectly. So it was ordered and should be delivered today. Woohoo! More fridge space! We're getting pretty weary of having to re-arrange everything in there to put in one item. DeWayne is currently in Dallas for his last out-of-town meeting, so getting it installed inside the RV will have to wait til he gets home. I miss him, by the way.
We went through all the garage sales a year ago to weed out the tons of "stuff" that needed to go. Furniture was sold or distributed to family members and lots of stuff went into the storage building that we will need to go through and clean out before we leave since we now have the land up for sale. It's amazing how much "stuff" you can accumulate, isn't it?
DeWayne and I both retired a year ago in May. He was a civil employee for the Army Reserve, facility manager over all the reserve buildings in this area. He went back to work at the same job as a contractor and has given his notice to resign the last day of May this year. I retired as Director of the local "Battered Women's Shelter" as most are called. It's actually a non-profit organization that serves victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking. There is one in your area and are all funded through the federal "Violence Against Women Act" which Vice President Biden wrote in 1979. They are much more that just "shelters" and provide outreach services as well. Anyway, since my recovery from the medical issues last summer, I have gone back to work there on an as-needed basis as consultant until we leave in June.
That's about all the boring details that I figure our readers can stand for now. I'll keep posting as our countdown continues and our departure gets even closer. Until then....67 days and counting!
Note: DeWayne was kind enough to point out my error in counting the days....such a little thing, actually. Like....uh....leaving out the entire month of May. What can I say, I'm a ditzy blonde. lol Anyway, I have edited the post with the correct number of days and the other thing he pointed out, which was mispelling refrigerator. Apparently there's no "d" in there. And I was so proud of myself. lol
Anniversary - Ho Hum - Pollen - Sick
1 day ago
We you guys enjoy your trip and if you ever get the hankerin to come to Ontario,Canada. Let me know. You will always have a spot to park your RV..
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