We'll be back here the first week of July for a reunion of my parents, my five sisters, five brothers-in-law, and all their kids and grandkids. It's gonna be a full house, so we've reserved one of the three trailer hook-ups that Daddy has set up for such occasions. My preference is the same one we're in.
DeWayne dropped me and a trailer full of "stuff" off at my daughter's house on Friday and he went on to his mother's house in OKC for the weekend and to install a new A/C unit for a friend of ours. Ginger and I set everything out of the trailer into her driveway bright and early on Saturday and set out the "garage sale" sign, only to notice that there were cops everywhere and they were blocking off the street she lives on. I didn't take long to find out why. There was apparently a 5K run going on and we were on the last leg of their route, so it took a couple of hours for all the runners and stragglers to pass by on their way to the finish line:
So after they all passed on by and the street was re-opened, we started getting some customers. We started out with two ladders, the old refigerator, etc. and we had lots of guys coming to check out the ladders, then they would look at the other merchandise. Well, the ladders sold pretty quick, but one was left there until the guy could go and get his truck and come back to get it. So we left it standing where it was to draw in more customers and it worked. The ladder in the picture is not one of ours. After the guy came to get the ladder he bought, we had son-in-law to bring his ladder out just for a "prop" and to keep luring them in. It worked! Of course we had to fib a little and say it was already sold, but it helped to get people to stop and look at everything else. Everything sold except three little items and I had $265 in my pocket, so I was a happy "camper", pun intended.
I got the nicest surprise when I arrived at Ginger's on Friday. Jana, my grandaughter, led me into the dining room and made me close my eyes. When I opened them, I found that she had made a birthday cake for me. She and Ginger rummaged through their "party" supplies and decorated with a little bit of this and a little bit of that, so It was all set up and ready for me to blow out my candles.
Now wasn't that sweet of them? That's my girls!
Looks like we will be heading in the direction of Delaware on the 16th of May for six weeks. We plan to take day trips to New York City, Washington D.C., Virginia Beach, and anyplace else that suits our fancy. And we're getting really anxious to get started.
I said I would include a picture of the new refrigerator so here it is:
I'm sooooo proud of it! The one we took out was in the garage sale picture, so you can see that we doubled our refrigerator space.
And here is another sample of one our "babies":

This is "Zoe", one of our white Schnauzer pups.
I'll be glad when I'll be able to post about our travels rather than just the "getting ready" part, but that time is fast approaching and we're getting excited. That's all for now, so until next time.......
Happy Trails! And 39 days to go!
Joy Hasty
I'm getting so excited for you as you get closer to departure day. We are also looking forward to meeting you when you get to the "state that started a nation". We've started our trip to Delaware and are in Fort Bliss, El,Paso Texas as I write this.
ReplyDeleteTime is going to fly by so fast from here on out. Enjoy the time with family and friends while you have it.
uh, I'm the reason Joy has to keep 'adjusting' our departure time - but I believe I have it 'right' this time.
ReplyDeleteWe will be pulling out of here (Texas) and heading for Delaware on or about the 29th of May.
May 28th is my last day (on the job) and I fully plan for us to be rolling on the highway - shortly thereafter.
It has really been hectic - trying to get everything 'sitting on go,' (which is one of Joy's favorite sayings), but I think I have it all together - finally.
Trust me ... between getting Social Security straight, resigning from my job, and getting the RV/truck ready to go -- it's been hectic.
And as Joy pointed out we are almost exactly a year late. I retired from Civil Service last May the 31st - but unforseen problems with her surgery pushed it back several months and then it became advantageous to delay the departure because we didn't want to travel in the wintertime.
During the delay I went back to work (doing my old job - but as a contractor this time) and then it became a thing of 'timing' from the Social Security angle (a bigger check if I stayed a few months longer) - till finally everything fell into place for me to resign the end of May.
Anyhow... I'll butt out for now, I just wanted it 'known' whose fault all these 'adjustments' were.
Oh Yeah! the final adjustment (I hope) is "48" days.
The day is almost arriving for your departure. I am excited for you both